natural seizure treatment for dogs

Recognizing Seizures in Dogs and Dealing with Them

If you’ve ever seen a puppy suffering a seizure, you’ve undoubtedly been terrified. When a dog suffers a seizure, he normally collapses on the floor and may extend his legs straight out from his body. Depending on the scenario, he may also paddle his legs and run about in a frightened loop for several minutes before collapsing. Seizures in your dog may happen in various ways, and you may be asking how you can aid your terrified pet when they occur.

If your dog is experiencing or seems to have had a seizure for the very first time, write down as much information as you can remember and book an appointment with the veterinarian. And, if you suspect your dog has consumed anything dangerous that may have triggered the seizure, take him to an emergency veterinarian immediately away. Otherwise, your pet is likely to develop epilepsy, which is prevalent in dogs. Continue reading to discover more about seizure symptoms and natural seizure treatment for dogs.

Seizures in dogs: signs and symptoms

If your pet is having a seizure, they may:

  • Become unsteady and have difficulty walking or balancing
  • Chomp or make biting motions
  • Collapse and fall to the side 
  • Foam at the mouth or drool
  • Look confused or dazed and then drop to the floor 
  • Lose consciousness
  • Experience a loss of control of body functions and defecate or urinate
  • Shake, or twitch, sometimes lying on their side

Following a seizure, they may have difficulty seeing, wander in circles, seem wobbly or even attempt to hide from you. If your pet experiences seizures regularly, you may notice warning signals such as your pet seeming restless or disoriented.

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What Should You Do If Your Dog Has a Seizure?

If your dog falls and begins to have a seizure, there are actions you may do to assist her in getting through it safely.

  • Remain cool
  • Move the dog away from anything that may hurt them, like furniture
  • Do not touch or place anything in her mouth (she could bite you)
  • Speak gently to her and soothe her with gentle caresses
  • Time the seizure if possible.

If the seizure lasts more than a few minutes, your dog is in danger of overheating. Put a fan near the pup to blow cold air on them and put a cool, moist towel over the paws to help them chill down. If the seizure lasts more than three minutes, take your canine to an emergency pet clinic. When the episode has gone, contact your veterinarian and make an appointment for your dog to have a thorough medical examination.


Seizures may be treated and controlled if your pet receives quick medical assistance and is carefully monitored during and after the episode. Maintain your calm and concentrate throughout a seizure. It is typically best to let your pet address the situation independently. There is nothing you can do to prevent your puppy from having seizures. 

However, you can administer Prana Pets herbal supplement to relieve seizure symptoms. Also, regular veterinarian check-ups, including immunizations and blood tests, may aid in the identification of any underlying problems that might cause seizures.

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